'Twas the Night Before Christmas
by Steve On Sens
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the parking lot
Not a player was fist pumping, not even Methot
The bobble heads were placed by the Sens Store with care
In hopes that Boxing Day shoppers would soon be there
Condra slept happy all snug in his bed
The thought of his 2 game goal streak alive in his head
Coach Cameron sat idly thinking of D pairs to match
Would Wiercioch play 15 minutes or be a healthy scratch?
Over the Gatineau hills came a loud clatter
Cyril Leeder jumped out of bed to see what was the matter
A noise so loud that anyone could hear
Came from Robin Lehner fighting Reindeer
St. Nick looked at Robin and shook his fist
Telling Lehner that he was on the naughty list
I give you a controversy for Christmas this year
and began to list the past for all too hear
“Now Rhodes! now, Hurme! now, Lalime and Tugnutt!
On, Emery! On, Gerber! on Prusek and Elliott!
To the top of the stats! to the top of the trade!
Now dash away! Dash away! Watch your careers fade!
When Christmas bells were heard, Lazar and Ceci let out a scream
They must, they must inform the whole team
So on to Twitter the two went about
Giving @b_ryan9 a quick shout out
At long last, the entire team knew
Even Phillips, who was making a brew
As Ceci waited for the moment to arrive
Santa was speeding down Palladium Drive

When they heard him arrive with a HO! HO! HO!
They saw an elf checking the list who looked like Pageau
As the two pretended to sleep in a very quick hurry
Coming down the chimney was jolly Bryan Murray
In a Senators polo, the General Manager was dressed
Very fatigued after yet another trade request
A bundle of jerseys were flung on his back
All red Senturion, not heritage black
He went straight to work giving Michalek a new knee
To excite the fans, a day's contract for Alfie
For Kyle Turris, Murray brought a new chain
And old Wade Redden got a bag of coc................oa.
Murray rose and up the chimney he went
Under $50 Million, the man only spent
But Lazar heard Bryan exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"
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