The Ottawa Senators Halloween Costume Party Submission Form

by Capital Gains

Good news everyone... it's October! The NHL regular season is starting in a few days, but more importantly, Halloween is right around the corner. This can only mean one thing...

The Ottawa Senators Halloween Costume Party- Part 2.

If you happened to miss the original Costume Party, or just want to view it again for old time's sake, click here. Unfortunately, this year, not every idea will be turned into a cartoon, so make your submission(s) count. You can submit as many different ideas as you like, just make sure that they are all in before October 16th at 11:59pm EST- the cut off date. You can choose to either use the form below to send your ideas in, or, send me a tweet. If you choose to use the form, make sure to include your twitter handle or name in the submission so we can give you credit for your ideas.

    Who should the Sens be for Halloween this year?
    (Example: Chris Neil as a Clown- @Capital_Gains65)

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